1. Galian Parem Wangi : Improves breast Milk, keeps complexion cleaner and healthier. ; 2. Putih Balung Sumsum : Restores mothers health eliminates fatigue and pain. ; 3. Bubuk Bancar Air Susu : Increases and improves breast milk. ; 4. Tapel Raket Mustika Sejati : Cleanses womb from left over blood and makes stomach muscles strongger. ; 5. Pilis Wangi : Keeps eyes clear and shiny. ; 6. Parem Segar Sumyah : Keeps body healthy and young. ; 7. Eucalyptus Oil : Eliminates stomachaches and can be used as mixture with Tapel Raket by adding lemon and small amount of Kapur Sirih. Apply all over stomach. ; 8. Telon Oil : Prevents and cures indigestion, giving baby freshness and warmth. Applies on babys stomach after bath.
Price/Harga : RM 91.70 (set)