Mengandung pati beras, belerang, temulawak, klabet dan bahan alami lainnya. Berfungsi untuk mengatasi kulit berjerawat dan gatal-gatal. Campurkan masker dengan Air Sari Mawar Putih, oleskan pada wajah kecuali mata dan mulut ± 10 minit. Bersihkan dengan air.
The Javanese princess known for smooth and acne free skin by regular use of Indah Warni Mask. Containing extracts of Hulled Rice, Sulfur, Wild Ginger, Klabet and other ingredients which treats sensitive skin better then other masks.
Price/Harga : RM 4.40 (15 gm)
The Javanese princess known for smooth and acne free skin by regular use of Indah Warni Mask. Containing extracts of Hulled Rice, Sulfur, Wild Ginger, Klabet and other ingredients which treats sensitive skin better then other masks.
Price/Harga : RM 4.40 (15 gm)