Terbuat dari sari daun Kemuning dan tepung beras yang berfungsi untuk menipiskan noda hitam pada wajah. Campur Peeling dengan Air Sari Mawar Putih lalu oleskan ke seluruh wajah kecuali mata dan mulut.
Made from natural products and extract of Kemuning leaf, which effectively removes dead skin and stimulates the growth of new cells, leaving skin smooth and fresh. Continuous use will make skin tight and clear. It is recommended to be used before using mask.
Price/Harga : RM 4.40 (15 gm) , RM 7.90 (60 ml)
Made from natural products and extract of Kemuning leaf, which effectively removes dead skin and stimulates the growth of new cells, leaving skin smooth and fresh. Continuous use will make skin tight and clear. It is recommended to be used before using mask.
Price/Harga : RM 4.40 (15 gm) , RM 7.90 (60 ml)